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Jen Psaki, blameless State Department spokeswoman, explained that the hasty evacuation of our embassy in Yemen was not an evacuation but Ć¢Ā€Āœa reduction in staff.Ć¢Ā€Ā This proved a problem because the Yemeni government had already announced (and denounced) the Ć¢Ā€ĀœevacuationĆ¢Ā€Ā Ć¢Ā€Ā” the word normal folks use for the panicky ordering of people onto planes headed out of country.

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Back in the realm of showbiz - we're increasingly told by TV and movies that the answer to our problems lies in torture. Heroes and heroines used to remain unbroken by evil torturers. From Mr. Blonde to Jack Bauer, Ethan Hunt to Dexter and across a slew of cop shows we're offered fictions in which heroes and heroines are torturers, who threaten torture, who ramp up their interrogation violence in glitzy, even funny ways - although the camera shies away from showing anything too dreadful. It's sexier to flirt with the idea of torture than show the hours of degradation, the scars of abuse, still punishing decades later.

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