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The United States, along with many other Western states, has subjected Myanmar to highly restrictive political, economic and security sanctions for many years. While some of these bans have been lifted, many remain in place, including trade and business embargoes enshrined in the National Emergencies Act. Washington now has to ask itself whether its goals can best be met with these restrictions in place or whether it is time to recognize the fundamental changes that are taking place in Myanmar and forge a new relationship with its leaders based on full government-to-government relations.

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On this week“s Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees outfielder Vernon Wells to discuss the current state of the team, the Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez controversies and much more.

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Cupp divulged a couple of other observations about "This Town--hashtag." (And yes, Cupp actually said "hashtag" when referencing the nickname for Washington, which came to prominence earlier this summer with the release of New York Times Magazine correspondent Mark Leibovich“s popular book of the same name.)

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