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BEptSixgLIGsyzSKr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:47  |  cituoti
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BroUhWVQr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:45  |  cituoti
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BroUhWVQr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:42  |  cituoti
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BroUhWVQr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:40  |  cituoti
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xCyRWJnI (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:39  |  cituoti
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BroUhWVQr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:38  |  cituoti
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xCyRWJnI (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:37  |  cituoti
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BroUhWVQr (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:36  |  cituoti
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xCyRWJnI (Svečias)   2021-03-03, 04:21:35  |  cituoti
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</a> The new show spins off Marvel“s recent series of movies including "Iron Man" and "The Avengers," taking viewers behind the scenes of the comic book universe. While the big shots like Iron Man and Captain America are off somewhere else, the cameras give starring focus to the employees of super-duper-secret agency S.H.I.E.L.D., which acts as the cops, or the spies, of the comic book world by policing superhumans. They are, of course, using gadgets like flying cars that even James Bond would envy, and they travel the world in search of the superhuman, investigating crime scenes like a cop show for comic books.

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