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cFCaMGfUA (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 21:00:19  |  cituoti
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hxwtxJIQYQjjaCHc (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:47  |  cituoti
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hxwtxJIQYQjjaCHc (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:44  |  cituoti
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hxwtxJIQYQjjaCHc (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:42  |  cituoti
A financial advisor <a href="https://celestron.com.co/metoprolol-tartrate-uses-in-telugu-eosc">metoprolol hexal z 47 5 mg</a> Smoking is the single biggest killer in the UK. Half of long-term smokers die early from a related disease. But nationally one in five adults (20 per cent) are still lighting up.According to the latest government figures (published on Tuesday 24 September), Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley are below the national average for smoking-related deaths. But there are an above-average number of adults smoking in Gravesham. Ā There is also 12 per cent of mums-to-be smoking during pregnancy.Research shows you can live longer by giving up smoking. Many have started stopping by joining this month“s 28-day Stoptober event which began on 1 October.Someone who quits smoking and doesn“t smoke again could gain an extra seven days of life every 28 days, for the rest of their life, say experts. Ā A person who stops smoking for 28 days is five times more likely to stay smoke-free.Quitting can save the average smoker almost Ā£2,000 a year. During last year“s Stoptober campaign, an estimated Ā£25 million was saved by 160,000 people who stopped buying cigarettes.GP Dr Bhaskar Bora, who chairs NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: "Campaigns such as Stoptober, along with the support provided by local stop smoking services, play a huge role in helping people quit."While the number of smokers across the country is steadily falling, smoking is still the biggest cause of premature death in England. We would like every smoker to consider trying to quit."The Stop Smoking Team from Kent Community Health NHS Trust runs stop smoking clubs across the county. One meets at Cascades Leisure Centre, Gravesend. Ā 

hxwtxJIQYQjjaCHc (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:40  |  cituoti
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hxwtxJIQYQjjaCHc (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:39  |  cituoti
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odcqbYqMbZAqcoang (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:38  |  cituoti
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odcqbYqMbZAqcoang (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:36  |  cituoti
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odcqbYqMbZAqcoang (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:34  |  cituoti
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odcqbYqMbZAqcoang (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:32  |  cituoti
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odcqbYqMbZAqcoang (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:30  |  cituoti
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KerhloBCUzvWZZxviJ (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:29  |  cituoti
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KerhloBCUzvWZZxviJ (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:27  |  cituoti
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KerhloBCUzvWZZxviJ (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:25  |  cituoti
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KerhloBCUzvWZZxviJ (Svečias)   2021-03-02, 20:57:23  |  cituoti
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