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RdEETjysISK (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:53:38  |  cituoti
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RdEETjysISK (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:53:37  |  cituoti
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RdEETjysISK (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:53:37  |  cituoti
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RdEETjysISK (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:53:36  |  cituoti
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RdEETjysISK (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:53:36  |  cituoti
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ktNjXHQen (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:07:50  |  cituoti
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ktNjXHQen (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:07:49  |  cituoti
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ktNjXHQen (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:07:49  |  cituoti
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ktNjXHQen (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 07:07:48  |  cituoti
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XiHGLrsbKTul (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 06:24:50  |  cituoti
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XiHGLrsbKTul (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 06:24:49  |  cituoti
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XiHGLrsbKTul (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 06:24:48  |  cituoti
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XiHGLrsbKTul (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 06:24:47  |  cituoti
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gFpAWuDqj (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 05:40:22  |  cituoti
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gFpAWuDqj (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 05:40:21  |  cituoti
It“s a bad line <a href="http://www.mamaloca.net/pharmacy/index.php/voltarol-pregnancy-olm3">voltarol forte gel</a> It&rsquo;s mildly disappointing, too, to find another Wii U game that fails to make essential use of the GamePad. The accuracy and immediacy of the Wii remote to aim Pikmin make it far the better control scheme, with the additional screen becoming more of a handy bonus feature, allowing you to read data logs, capture photos, or watch top-down replays of the day&rsquo;s activities at sundown. It does allow you to send a captain across the map without directly controlling them, a feature that becomes more useful in the time-limited missions. But otherwise it&rsquo;s an advert for investing in the previous console&rsquo;s controller, hardly a ringing endorsement of Wii U&rsquo;s headline feature.

gFpAWuDqj (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 05:40:21  |  cituoti
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gFpAWuDqj (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 05:40:20  |  cituoti
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gFpAWuDqj (Svečias)   2020-11-17, 05:40:20  |  cituoti
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